Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 8 Nov 94 Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt MODULE Dialog; (** extended version by Markus Knasm ller 25.May.94 - IMPORT DialogFrames, Dialogs, DialogButtons, Display, Display1, Files, In, Input, MenuViewers, TextFrames, Texts, Oberon, Printer, Viewers; (* DialogText must be loaded before, because setting of o.Edit and o.Update must be before Editing is possible *) CONST ML =2; MM = 1; MR = 0; CRSU = 0C1X; CRSD = 0C2X; CRSR = 0C3X; CRSL = 0C4X; editMenu = "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow Dialog.Store "; markW = 5; VAR reticule*:Oberon.Marker; (** used as caret *) w0: Texts.Writer; DW, DH, CL: INTEGER; nx, ny, X1, X0, Y1, Y0: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Min (x: INTEGER; y:INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF x < y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Min; PROCEDURE Open*; (** name | ^ *) (** opens a dialog viewer and displays the dialog from file name *) VAR x, y, res: INTEGER; p: Dialogs.Panel; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN In.Open; In.Name (name); IF In.Done THEN Oberon.AllocateUserViewer (Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); DialogFrames.OpenPanel (name, x, y, p); END END Open; PROCEDURE SetInitCmd*; (** cmd | ^ *) (** sets the command of the marked dialog to cmd *) VAR x, y: INTEGER; p: Dialogs.Panel; cmd: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN In.Open; In.Name (cmd); IF In.Done THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.ok ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput END; IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN DialogFrames.GetCaretPosition (p, x, y); IF p # NIL THEN p.SetCmd (cmd) ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.noPanelSelected END END; IF Dialogs.res # Dialogs.ok THEN Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END SetInitCmd; PROCEDURE SetName*; (** name | ^ *) (** sets the name of the object under the caret to name *) VAR o: Dialogs.Object; p: Dialogs.Panel; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN In.Open; In.Name (name); IF In.Done THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.ok ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput END; IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN DialogFrames.FindObject (o, p); IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN o.SetName (name) END END; IF Dialogs.res # Dialogs.ok THEN Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END SetName; PROCEDURE SetCmd*; (** cmd | ^ *) (** sets the command of the object under the caret to cmd *) VAR o: Dialogs.Object; p: Dialogs.Panel; cmd: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN In.Open; In.Name (cmd); IF In.Done THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.ok ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput END; IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN DialogFrames.FindObject (o, p); IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN o.SetCmd (cmd) END END; IF Dialogs.res # Dialogs.ok THEN Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END SetCmd; PROCEDURE SetPar*; (** par | ^ *) (** sets the parameter of the item at the caret to par *) VAR o: Dialogs.Object; p: Dialogs.Panel; par: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN In.Open; In.Name (par); IF In.Done THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.ok ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput END; IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN DialogFrames.FindObject (o, p); IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN o.SetPar (par) END END; IF Dialogs.res # Dialogs.ok THEN Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END SetPar; PROCEDURE SetDim*; (** x y w h | ^ *) (** sets the lower left coordinates of the object under the caret to x and y, the width to w and the height to h *) VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER; o: Dialogs.Object; p: Dialogs.Panel; BEGIN In.Open; In.Int (x); Dialogs.res := Dialogs.ok; IF ~ In.Done THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput END; In.Int (y); IF ~ In.Done THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput END; In.Int (w); IF ~ In.Done THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput END; In.Int (h); IF ~ In.Done THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput END; IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN DialogFrames.FindObject (o, p); IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN o.SetDim (x, y, w, h, FALSE) END END; IF Dialogs.res # Dialogs.ok THEN Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END SetDim; PROCEDURE AlignSelected*; (** dir | ^ *) (** aligns the selected objects so that they have the same left, right, top or bottom coordinates *) VAR dir: CHAR; x, y: INTEGER; p: Dialogs.Panel; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN In.Open; In.Name (name); Dialogs.res := Dialogs.ok; IF In.Done THEN dir := name[0] END; IF (dir # "R") & (dir # "L") & (dir # "U") & (dir # "D") THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput ELSE DialogFrames.GetCaretPosition (p, x, y); IF p # NIL THEN p.AlignSelected (dir) ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.noPanelSelected END END; IF Dialogs.res # Dialogs.ok THEN Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END AlignSelected; PROCEDURE RegulateDistance*; (** dir | ^ *) (** regulates the distance between the selected objects *) VAR dir: CHAR; i, j: INTEGER; p: Dialogs.Panel; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN In.Open; In.Name (name); Dialogs.res := Dialogs.ok; IF In.Done THEN dir := name [0] END; IF (dir # "R") & (dir #"L") & (dir # "U") & (dir # "D") THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput ELSE DialogFrames.GetCaretPosition (p, i, j); IF p # NIL THEN p.RegulateDistance (dir) ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.noPanelSelected END END; IF Dialogs.res # Dialogs.ok THEN Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END RegulateDistance; PROCEDURE GetDim*; (** writes the coordinates of the lower left corner, the width and the height of the object under the caret to the log viewer *) VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER; o: Dialogs.Object; p: Dialogs.Panel; BEGIN DialogFrames.FindObject (o, p); IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN o.GetDim (x, y, w, h); Texts.WriteString (w0, "Coor: "); Texts.WriteInt (w0, x, 5); Texts.WriteInt (w0, y, 5); Texts.WriteLn (w0); Texts.WriteString (w0, "Wide and Height: "); Texts.WriteInt (w0, w, 5); Texts.WriteInt (w0, h, 5); Texts.WriteLn (w0); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w0.buf) ELSE Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END GetDim; PROCEDURE GetName*; (** writes the name of the object under the caret to the log viewer *) VAR o: Dialogs.Object; p: Dialogs.Panel; name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN DialogFrames.FindObject (o, p); IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN COPY (, name); Texts.WriteString (w0, "Name: "); Texts.WriteString (w0, name); Texts.WriteLn (w0); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w0.buf) ELSE Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END GetName; PROCEDURE GetCmd*; (** writes the command of the object under the caret to the log viewer *) VAR o: Dialogs.Object; p: Dialogs.Panel; cmd: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN DialogFrames.FindObject (o, p); IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN COPY (o.cmd, cmd); Texts.WriteString (w0, "Command: "); Texts.WriteString (w0, cmd); Texts.WriteLn (w0); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w0.buf) ELSE Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END GetCmd; PROCEDURE GetInitCmd*; (** writes the command of the marked dialog to the log viewer *) VAR x, y: INTEGER; p: Dialogs.Panel; cmd: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN DialogFrames.GetCaretPosition (p, x, y); Dialogs.res := Dialogs.ok; IF p # NIL THEN COPY (p.cmd, cmd); Texts.WriteString (w0, "Command: "); Texts.WriteString (w0, cmd); Texts.WriteLn (w0); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w0.buf) ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.noPanelSelected END; IF Dialogs.res # Dialogs.ok THEN Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END GetInitCmd; PROCEDURE GetPar*; (** writes the component par of the item under the caret to the log viewer *) VAR o: Dialogs.Object; p: Dialogs.Panel; par: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN DialogFrames.FindObject (o, p); IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN COPY (o.par, par); Texts.WriteString (w0, "Parameter: "); Texts.WriteString (w0, par); Texts.WriteLn (w0); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w0.buf) ELSE Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END GetPar; PROCEDURE SetGrid*; (** int | ^ *) (** sets the grid to which mouse movements are restricted *) VAR i: INTEGER; f: DialogFrames.Frame; v: Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN v := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF IS DialogFrames.Frame THEN f :=; In.Open; In.Int(i); IF (In.Done) & (i <= DialogFrames.gridMax) & (i >= DialogFrames.gridMin) THEN f.grid := i; Dialogs.res := Dialogs.ok ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput; Dialogs.Error ("Dialog") END END END SetGrid; PROCEDURE box (o: Dialogs.Object; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~o.selected THEN RETURN END; o.GetDim (x, y, w, h); y := ABS (y); IF x < X0 THEN X0 := x END; IF X1 < x + w THEN X1 := x + w END; IF y - h < Y0 THEN Y0 := y - h END; IF Y1 < y THEN Y1 := y END END box; PROCEDURE EnumCopy (o: Dialogs.Object; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER; new: Dialogs.Object; BEGIN IF ~o.selected THEN RETURN END; new := NIL; o.Copy (new); new.SetName (""); new.UnSelect; o.GetDim (x, y, w, h); new.SetDim (x + nx, y + ny, w, h, new.overlapping); o.panel.Insert (new, new.overlapping); END EnumCopy; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR o: Dialogs.Object; BEGIN o := Dialogs.editObject; IF o # NIL THEN o.Update (Dialogs.cmdPanel) END END Do; PROCEDURE Track (f: DialogFrames.Frame; keys: SET; x0, y0: INTEGER; o: Dialogs.Object); VAR keys0, keysum: SET; new: Dialogs.Object; ch1, ch2: BOOLEAN; x, y, xh, yh, wh, hh, xdif, ydif, col, ox, oy, ow, oh: INTEGER; BEGIN col := Display.white; keys0 := keys; keysum := keys; ch1 := FALSE; ch2 := FALSE; xdif := x0; ydif := y0; IF o # NIL THEN o.GetDim (xh, yh, wh, hh) ELSE xh := x0; yh := y0 END; IF (keys0 = {MR}) & (o # NIL) THEN IF o.selected THEN o.UnSelect ELSE o.Select END END; REPEAT Input.Mouse (keys, x, y); keysum := keysum + keys; xdif := xdif DIV f.grid * f.grid; ydif := ydif DIV f.grid * f.grid; x := x DIV f.grid * f.grid; y := y DIV f.grid * f.grid; Oberon.DrawCursor (Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, x, y); IF (xdif # x) OR (ydif # y) THEN IF (keys0 = {MM}) THEN IF (keysum = {MM}) THEN IF (o # NIL) & (~ o.selected) THEN o.GetDim (ox, oy, ow, oh); o.SetDim (ox - xdif + x, oy - ydif + y, ow, oh, FALSE) ELSE f.panel.MoveSelected (x - xdif, y - ydif) END; IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN ch1 := TRUE; xdif := x; ydif := y END ELSIF (keysum = {MM, ML}) & (o # NIL) THEN o.GetDim (ox, oy, ow, oh); o.SetDim (ox, oy, ow - xdif + x, oh - ydif + y, FALSE); IF Dialogs.res = Dialogs.ok THEN xdif := x; ydif := y; ch2 := TRUE END END; ELSIF (keys0 = {MR}) & (o = NIL) THEN Display1.Line (f, col, x0, y0, x0, ydif, Display.invert); Display1.Line (f, col, x0, y0, xdif, y0, Display.invert); Display1.Line (f, col, x0, ydif, xdif, ydif, Display.invert); Display1.Line (f, col, xdif, y0, xdif, ydif, Display.invert); xdif := x; ydif := y; f.panel.Select (Min (x0 - f.X, xdif - f.X), Min (y0 - f.Y - f.H, ydif - f.Y - f.H), ABS (x0 - xdif), ABS (y0 - ydif)); Display1.Line (f, col, x0, y0, x0, ydif, Display.invert); Display1.Line (f, col, x0, y0, xdif, y0, Display.invert); Display1.Line (f, col, x0, ydif, xdif, ydif, Display.invert); Display1.Line (f, col, xdif, y0, xdif, ydif, Display.invert); END; END; UNTIL keys = {}; IF (keys0 = {ML}) & (keysum = {ML}) THEN Oberon.DrawCursor (Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, x, y); Oberon.DrawCursor (Oberon.Pointer, reticule, x, y); Oberon.PassFocus (Viewers.This (x, y)); ELSIF (keys0 = {ML}) & (keysum = {ML, MM}) THEN X0 := MAX (INTEGER); X1 := MIN (INTEGER); Y0:= MAX (INTEGER); Y1 := MIN (INTEGER); f.panel.Enumerate (box); nx := (x - f.X) - X0; ny := (y - f.Y - f.H) + Y0; f.panel.Enumerate (EnumCopy) ELSIF (keys0 = {MR}) & (keysum = {ML, MR}) & (o # NIL) THEN f.panel.Remove (o); f.panel.RemoveSelections ELSIF (keys0 = {MR}) & (keysum = {MM, MR}) & (o # NIL) THEN o.UnSelect (); new := NIL; o.Copy (new); o.GetDim (ox, oy, ow, oh); new.SetName (""); new.SetDim (ox - x0 + x, oy - y0 + y, ow, oh, FALSE); f.panel.Insert (new, new.overlapping) ELSIF (keys0 = {MR}) & (o=NIL) THEN Display1.Line (f, col, x0, y0, x0, ydif, Display.invert); Display1.Line (f, col, x0, y0, xdif, y0, Display.invert); Display1.Line (f, col, x0, ydif, xdif, ydif, Display.invert); Display1.Line (f, col, xdif, y0, xdif, ydif, Display.invert); IF keysum = {MR, ML} THEN f.panel.RemoveObjects (Min (x0 - f.X, xdif - f.X), Min (y0 - f.Y - f.H, ydif - f.Y - f.H), ABS (x0 - xdif), ABS (y0 - ydif)); END ELSIF (keys0 = {MM}) & (keysum = {MM, MR}) & (o # NIL) THEN o.Edit () END; IF (ch1) & (keysum # {MM}) & (keysum # {MM, ML}) THEN IF (o # NIL ) & (~ o.selected) THEN o.GetDim (ox, oy, ow, oh); o.SetDim (xh, yh, ow, oh, FALSE) ELSE f.panel.MoveSelected (xh - xdif, yh - ydif) END END; IF (ch2) & (keysum # {MM, ML}) & (o # NIL) THEN o.GetDim (xh, yh, ow, oh); o.SetDim (xh, yh, wh, hh, FALSE) END; END Track; PROCEDURE Handle* (f: Display.Frame; VAR msg: Display.FrameMsg); (** handles messages which were sent to the edit-frame f *) VAR self: DialogFrames.Frame; o: Dialogs.Object; BEGIN self := f (DialogFrames.Frame); WITH msg: Oberon.InputMsg DO IF = Oberon.consume THEN IF = CRSL THEN self.panel.MoveSelected (- self.grid, 0) ELSIF = CRSR THEN self.panel.MoveSelected (self.grid, 0) ELSIF = CRSD THEN self.panel.MoveSelected (0, - self.grid) ELSIF = CRSU THEN self.panel.MoveSelected (0, self.grid) END ELSIF ( = Oberon.track) & (msg.keys # {}) THEN o := self.panel.ThisObject (msg.X - self.X, msg.Y - self.Y - f.H); Track (self, msg.keys, msg.X, msg.Y, o) ELSE DialogFrames.Handle (f, msg) END | msg: Oberon.ControlMsg DO IF ( = Oberon.neutralize) THEN self.panel.RemoveSelections () END; DialogFrames.Handle (f, msg) ELSE DialogFrames.Handle (f, msg) END END Handle; PROCEDURE Edit*; (** name | ^ *) (** opens a dialog viewer and displays the dialog from file name for editing *) VAR name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; df: DialogFrames.Frame; v: Viewers.Viewer; x, y: INTEGER; panel: Dialogs.Panel; file: Files.File; r: Files.Rider; m: TextFrames.Frame; t: Texts.Text; buf: Texts.Buffer; BEGIN In.Open; In.Name(name); panel := NIL; IF In.Done THEN NEW(panel); file := Files.Old (name); IF file # NIL THEN Files.Set (r, file, 0); panel.Load (r) END END; IF panel # NIL THEN NEW(df); df.Open (Handle, panel); df.col := 11; Oberon.AllocateUserViewer (Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); IF Files.Old ("Dialog.Menu.Text") = NIL THEN m := TextFrames.NewMenu (name, editMenu) ELSE m := TextFrames.NewMenu (name, ""); NEW (t); Texts.Open (t, "Dialog.Menu.Text"); NEW (buf); Texts.OpenBuf (buf); Texts.Save (t, 0, t.len, buf); Texts.Append (m.text, buf) END; v := MenuViewers.New (m, df, TextFrames.menuH, x, y) END END Edit; PROCEDURE Store*; (** stores the dialog under the name appearing in its menu frame *) VAR v: Viewers.Viewer; f: Files.File; r: Files.Rider; s: Texts.Scanner; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; t: Texts.Text; r2: Texts.Reader; ch: CHAR; BEGIN v := Oberon.Par.vwr; name := ""; IF (v.dsc # Oberon.Par.frame) OR (v.dsc = NIL) OR ( = NIL) OR ~( IS DialogFrames.Frame) THEN v := Oberon.MarkedViewer (); Texts.OpenScanner (s, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan (s); IF (s.line = 0) & ((s.class = Texts.Name) OR (s.class = Texts.String)) THEN COPY (s.s, name) END END; IF (v.dsc # NIL) & ( # NIL) & ( IS DialogFrames.Frame) THEN IF (name = "") & (v.dsc IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN Texts.OpenScanner (s, v.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text, 0); Texts.Scan (s); IF (s.line = 0) & ((s.class = Texts.Name) OR (s.class = Texts.String)) THEN COPY (s.s, name) END END; IF name # "" THEN f := Files.New(name); Files.Set(r, f, 0); (r); Files.Register (f); Texts.WriteString (w0, "Dialog.Store "); Texts.WriteString (w0, name); Texts.WriteLn (w0); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w0.buf) END; t := v.dsc (TextFrames.Frame).text; Texts.OpenReader (r2, t, t.len - 1); Texts.Read (r2, ch); IF ch = "!" THEN Texts.Delete (t, t.len - 1, t.len) END END END Store; PROCEDURE Print*; (** ^ | * | {name} ~ *) (** prints dialogs to print server named server *) VAR s: Texts.Scanner; p: Dialogs.Panel; x, y, res: INTEGER; r: Files.Rider; file: Files.File; name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE PrintGetMainArg (VAR s: Texts.Scanner); (* see implementation of module Edit *) VAR text: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.Scan (s); IF (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "^") THEN Oberon.GetSelection (text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner (s, text, beg); Texts.Scan (s) END END; IF s.line # 0 THEN s.class := Texts.Inval END END PrintGetMainArg; PROCEDURE PrintError (res: INTEGER); (* writes an error message to the log viewer *) BEGIN IF res = 1 THEN Texts.WriteString (w0, "Dialog Print Error 1: No connection") ELSIF res = 2 THEN Texts.WriteString (w0, "Dialog Print Error 2: No link") ELSIF res = 3 THEN Texts.WriteString (w0, "Dialog Print Error 3: Bad response") ELSIF res = 4 THEN Texts.WriteString (w0, "Dialog Print Error 4: Wrong input") ELSIF res = 5 THEN Texts.WriteString (w0, "Dialog Print Error 5: No panel selected") END; Texts.WriteLn (w0); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w0.buf) END PrintError; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner (s, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan (s); IF ((s.class = Texts.Name) OR (s.class = Texts.String)) & (s.line = 0) THEN COPY (s.s, name); PrintGetMainArg (s); res := 0; IF (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "*") THEN DialogFrames.GetCaretPosition (p, x, y); ELSIF s.class = Texts.Name THEN file := Files.Old (s.s); IF file # NIL THEN NEW (p); Files.Set (r, file, 0); p.Load (r); ELSE res := 4 END ELSIF (Oberon.Par.vwr # NIL) & (Oberon.Par.vwr IS MenuViewers.Viewer) & ( IS DialogFrames.Frame) THEN p :=; ELSE res := 4 END; IF (p # NIL) & (res = 0) THEN Printer.Open (name, Oberon.User, Oberon.Password); res := Printer.res; IF res = 0 THEN p.Print (0, Printer.PageHeight); Printer.Page (1); Printer.Close END ELSE IF res # 4 THEN res := 5 END END ELSE res :=4 END; IF res # 0 THEN PrintError (res) END; END Print; PROCEDURE DrawReticule (x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN IF x < CL THEN IF x < markW THEN x := markW ELSIF x > DW THEN x := DW - markW END ELSE IF x < CL + markW THEN x := CL + markW ELSIF x > CL + DW THEN x := CL + DW - markW END END; IF y < markW THEN y := markW ELSIF y > DH THEN y := DH - markW END; Display.CopyPattern (Display.white, Display.cross, x - markW, y - markW, 2) END DrawReticule; BEGIN DW := Display.Width - 8; DH := Display.Height - 8; CL := Display.ColLeft; Texts.OpenWriter (w0); reticule.Draw := DrawReticule; reticule.Fade := DrawReticule; END Dialog.